Collegeville, PA
Book a Party

No one wants to be “that parent” at a kid’s birthday party. The one who commits every faux pas in the book. Nor does anyone want their kid to be “that kid” at the party either. Don’t worry, we’re here for you. We’ve got some simple advice on how you can avoid committing some of the cardinal sins of kids’ birthday parties.


We get it. You’re busy. You get a million emails and things in the mail. It’s easy to toss something aside and forget to respond. When it comes to RSVPs though, that’s just flat out rude.

Take the time to let the parent throwing the birthday party know if your child will or won’t be attending the party. It helps immensely when it comes to planning as most places base their cost on the headcount of kids attending. Even if the party is at a person’s home it allows them to get the appropriate supplies.

It’s Not a Free Babysitter

Most of you already know this but, as the White Stripes said, it bears repeating. A kid’s birthday party isn’t an opportunity for free babysitting for your children that weren’t invited.

Much like eating another donut despite being on a diet, it’s tempting to bring your other children to the party and drop them off so you can go take care of other things. Unfortunately, like said donut, you’ll regret it later on.

Unless you get the OK from the person hosting the birthday party to bring additional children, it’s just plain rude to do it.

Wearing Out Your Welcome

Kids birthday parties have specific times stated on the invitations for a reason. Just like when the clock strikes 5 at work and you want to get out and go home, the parents throwing the party want to be able to get on with their lives at the time stated on the invitation. Don’t let your kid linger. Make sure to pick them up at the designated time so they don’t become the Urkel of the party, aka the annoying kid.

"3 Simple Steps for Kids’ Birthday Party Etiquette" was last updated September 20th, 2019 by

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